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UI/UX Design

Create a food app for an Indian millennial food consumer that takes their lifestyle, preferences, and limits into consideration.
Problem Statement - Finding a opportunity to provide consumers features while taking into account the needs of millennial users and their lifestyle.
Strategy and UX Design
Visual and UI Design
Methodologies - Methodologies - Secondary Research, Competitive Research, Structured surveys, User surveys, Non-participant observations, Questionnaire, Personal interviews.
Understanding the market ( from structured surveys )
Key Takeaways
Most preferred app is Swiggy
Women order from dominos and mcdelivery whereas men order from Box8, Mojo pizza.
59 % millenials order food online.
53 % dinner orders whereas 2 % breakfast order
55% prefer eating healthy food
Who are the millenials
The official range for millennials is from 1981–1996 — making the age range from 23–38 years old, as of 2019.
Although the term “millennial” is not limited to any particular location, it is most commonly used in developed, English-speaking countries.

Most top apps millennials use
Layout From Instagram — 68% millennial users
YouTube Music — 69% millennial users
Snapchat — 70% millennial users
Airbnb — 66% millennial users
Tinder — 75% millennial users
Characteristics of the millennials
70 % are fully define their needs on their own
44 % identify their own solutions
More interested in the IQ than EQ
They are resilent and value-driven
Milennials are native to technology and are habituated to instant gratification.
Millennials as online food consumers
For convenience
Better selections.
Food habits of millennials
More healthier options are prefferable than packed food
More personalised menu
5 % order online for better selections.
Current Platforms

Includes delivery and dining options
User based
Fast delivery
Only dominos delivery
Flexible customisation

Food and anything delivery
More options of customisation
Only Mcd food deliveries
User based
01.Breakfast specified app
02.Fresh indian food items over processed food
03.More personalised options
04.Calorie counts for quicker healthier choice

Breakfast oriented why ?
1.Opportunity to have as current apps have less options for this type
2.Minimum order amount limitations
3.More decision time taken on current platforms
4.Calorie count for all food items
5.Customized menu and choices
Hick's Law
Hick’s law states that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices presented to the user. The more the user is stimulated with options, the longer it takes them to decide. For example, have you ever been to a restaurant with a menu that was long and overwhelming? Did it take you forever to choose with so many options? This is Hick’s Law in full effect
Here hick's law concept is helpful to break down the long process into short firstly breakfast items and second breakout in regions food items
Hick's law - current food app allows ordering with big menus ( more options and decisions are becoming critical )
User Persona 1

Vikas Sharma
29 years old
Software Engineer
“I prefer online healthy breakfast ordering as I stay alone and saves my time”
Vikas is 29 years old, who works in MNC in Delhi. He stays alone. Vikas prefers quick and sustainable, healthy lifestyle to save time and dedicate it work and his rest activities.
- Quick order
- Indian food options
- Availability early morning
- Wastage of time while checking the whole menu
- Restaurant opening time.
User Persona 2

Jigisha Shah
26 years old
“Ordering breakfast in the morning saves my time”
Jigisha is 26 years old, who is student in Pune and stays with her roommates. She prefers Indian food over fast food in the morning time.
- Indian food options
- Easy and fast availability
- Limited options
- Restaurant opening time.
Create experience for users to order Indian breakfast food from one dedicated breakfast place with calorie counts.
My biggest challenge was to create user-friendly interfaces yet functional so users can use them faster yet healthier with personalised menu
DESIGN- Process + Ideate
Master Journey Mapping

User Flow


Lo-Fidelity Wireframes

Visual Style Guide


Easy chip filters
Product bestsellers

Home Screen

Thank You
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